TilkiKitap Yayınevi Üye Girişi Sepetim 0

The impact of regulatory policies on competition in the fixed telecommunication industry in Turkey

Kemal Karabayır
ISBN : 9786258039993
Barkod : 9786258039993
Yayınevi : Tilki Kitap
Kitap Türü : Yabancı Dildeki Yayımlar
Sayfa Sayısı : 94
Kitap Dili : İngilizce
Kapak Türü : Amerikan Cilt
Kapak Gramajı : 200-300 gr
En ve Boy : 150X230 mm
Selefon Türü : Mat Selefon
Stok Durumu : Stokta Var

Ürün en geç 18 Ocak 2025 Cumartesi günü kargoda.


Piyasa Fiyatı : ₺236,00

%35,00 İndirimli
Sepete Ekle Destek Talebi
The originality of this study lay in the fact that within the Turkish fixed telecommunication industry there has been a limited number of studies. The study aimed to aid in improving telecom standards performance by putting forth the impact and results of regulatory arrangements in the fixed telecommunication industry. Therefore, this paper can be an important resource for sector managers, entrepreneurs, telecom professionals, and academicians.